Friday, May 9, 2014


I just saw this article and it really goes to show you how easily things can be twisted and perverted if we don't know the actual and original meanings of words. This article is about what they call "Secular prayer"

So, we have the modern interpretation of prayer as placing your hands together closing your eyes and bowing your head. You then proceed to say a few nice words and conclude by saying a word most people don't even know what it means "Amen". So, with this as our understanding of Prayer, it is quite easy to pervert this...put your hands together, close your eyes , bow your head and say a few nice words (this time omitting any reference to God) and ending it by saying "Amen". What is wrong with that? Well, everything is wrong with that.

The actual original Hebrew meaning of the word we translate as "Pray" actually means to "fall down to the ground in the presence of God and plead a cause" Now, with that as our definition of prayer it's not so easy to take God out of the equation is it? And as for the nice little word at the end, "Amen", that is not even translated into English. Translating it into English it would say "So be it", again, this is a statement of faith and if we know it's real meaning we can easily see that this couldn't legitimately be used in a "secular prayer"

Words mean things, lets don't be lazy, lets care and lets find the truth because where the truth is, there is also a closer relationship with our creator.