like many others, made many assumptions about Christianity based on
human traditions. I always assumed that what we call “Church” was
in fact the Church of the Bible. Growing up seeing my father's
discontent at the Church system lead me to question certain things
about Church but never to question the entire institution. I thought
that maybe there were things that needed to be fixed or adjusted but
my faith in the system was never shaken.
I was 13 years old my family started to attend this Church and it had
such a profound impact on me that it made me look back at the
Churches that we had attended in the past and start to see and
understand how very far we have come from the Biblical Church. In
past Churches I would hear sermons about how “Church doesn't end on
Sunday”... but it always did end. But in this new Church I didn't
hear these lectures about Church not ending on Sunday....It just
didn't end on Sunday. In the Churches I had gone to in the past I
would hear sermons about the importance of having the Church be like
a family. They would create programs to try to encourage small groups
to bond together....But they never really did bond. At this new
Church there where no sermons about small groups, there where no
programs.... It just was a family. It was just so unforced,
unscripted and unplanned. Everything just happened so naturally. God
really impressed something on me during my time there that I never
really understood at the time. The more we try to plan, format,
micromanage, script our worship, the less God is involved.
this wonderful experience under my belt, boosting my expectations of
Church, my family moved on to another state. Once again we found a
Church and started to attend. It was nice enough but to be honest, it
felt a little boring compared to my last experience. Even though it
wasn't quite as exciting as my last experience, I really felt like
the people there were really caring. If you missed a Sunday service
they were always quick to call and make sure everything was alright
and if you where sick, they were always there to pray with you. At
one point the Church was having some financial troubles and so to
“educate” the congregation on the costs of the Church, they
released a detailed budget of every cost. When I read this budget I
was shocked, It seemed that every single person who did anything for
the Church was a paid employee. Those nice people that call you up if
you miss service to make sure you are okay, they are paid to do that.
The nice people that come visit you in the Hospital and pray for you,
they are paid to do that. I felt heart broken, what ever happened to
service, to sacrifice? What ever happened to doing something because
it was good or right? Was everything just business now? The examples
of Christianity I grew up with were people like my Grandparents. My
Grandpa who was a Baptist Pastor and my Grandma would often visit
sick people in the hospital, old people in the nursing homes and pray
for them, visit with them and sing to them. My Grandmother on the
other side of the family was involved with Meals on wheels where she
would cook and deliver meals to people who were too old or too sick
to cook for themselves. These where some of my examples and so this
version of “paid service” was just not compatible with my faith.
At that point I totally lost faith in the institution of Church and I
vowed to never go to Church again. I never lost faith in Christ but
all I could see was the disconnect between what we call Church, and
years past and during that time I never set foot in a Church. But
eventually I did start attending a Church. It was nice and very
positive and uplifting but I just couldn't feel it in my spirit. I
felt like I wasn't being honest. I felt like I was going to Church
because I'm a Christian and that is what Christians do on Sunday. I
felt like I was just living a lie. So eventually I stopped going
there and went another four years without going to Church.

I now found myself calling out to God with a burning desire on my heart, a desire for a better way. I was now at the point where I could actually ask myself and God “Is what we call Church even Biblical?” I started digging deep within the scriptures looking for any examples of what we call Church. First I went to the writings of Paul and I noticed that most of the time he will start off by saying “To the Church at....” After meditating on this for a while I was then lead to look up the meaning of the word Church. I found that it is actually an un-translated or not fully translated word. The meaning of the word actually translates to “The called out ones” or “The summoned”. But going even deeper the word at it's root has the meaning of being called from one place, to be gathered at another place. So, the first question is who are the called out ones? Well, the Believers and followers of Jesus “Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord” 2 Corth 6:17. And then the second question, if we are the called out ones and this word means to be called from one place to another, what is the place we are being called to? This is where the split in opinions comes. Some would say that the called out ones are being called out to gather at Church ____ Let us explore this opinion quickly. While following this way of thinking we have literally created thousands of denominations, thousands of divisions. So what does the Bible say about divisions? “I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.” and also we see Paul talking more about this here “For when one says, “I am of Paul,” and another, “I am of Apollos,” are you not mere human beings?” Sound familiar? I am a Baptist, I am a Methodist, I am Lutheran, I am a Catholic, I am none denominational..... It's the exact same thing now days, just with different names. If the called out ones are indeed being called out to gather as in a Church setting, then why did Paul tell the Church “not to forsake the assembling together” ? If the word Church means the assembling at Church, then wouldn't that be saying that the assembled people should assemble? That doesn't make much since to me.
So one road we have tried and it has lead us to division that the Bible so strongly opposes. So in essence the institution that we call Church, the white building with a Cross on top, with pews and a pulpit, with 4 song standing up and 3 song sitting down, with passing the collection plate, with a nice message for 40 min.... this entire format that we call Church never occurs in the Bible at all.
What is the other way, what is the alternative to Church? If we are not being called to Church then what are we being called to?
Consider this...“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28. And also “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near” To repent means to change your mind, to leave one way and go to another. So now it starts to become clearer, we are not being called to a building on Sunday, we are being called to Christ Himself, we are being called to turn from our life and submit to His life, this is what it truly means to be a “Called out one” But, as I pointed out earlier we are told to assemble together, so, how should these assemblies look?
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20. The assembling of the called out ones is nothing more than this verse states, two or three brothers and sisters coming together in Christ. We pray for each other, we study the Bible, we encourage each other, we worship God together. We don't need a pretty little building to do this, we don't need pews, we don't need a pulpit. All we need is a living room, a kitchen table to share a meal with friends, an extra chair to offer a neighbor. This way the Holy Spirit is free, completely free to do what He needs to. No time limits (20 min of worship time) no restrictions (35 min sermon) He sets the times and situations. Before you call me crazy, before you dismiss what I'm saying, look it up yourself, what we call Church doesn't exist in the Bible. The next time you read in the Bible try replacing the word “Church” with “Those who have been called to Christ.” Check out the examples below.
Acts 12:5 “So Peter was kept in prison, but those called to Christ where earnestly praying to God for him.”
Romans 16:4 “They risked their lives for me. Not only I but all of the Gentiles who have been called to Christ are grateful to them.”
1 Corth 5:12 “What business is it of mine to judge those outside of those called to Christ? Are you not to judge those inside?
You see how simply describing the meaning of the word instead of using the word itself changes the religiousness of these passages? It takes the emphasis off of the building or system and puts it on us, where it should be. The most poisonous phrase I can think of is “Lets go to Church” Because if you go to Church, then Church is a place for you and if it's a place for you, you've lost its true meaning. If you think this is an important subject that needs more thought and discussion, please forward this to your friends and family.
So one road we have tried and it has lead us to division that the Bible so strongly opposes. So in essence the institution that we call Church, the white building with a Cross on top, with pews and a pulpit, with 4 song standing up and 3 song sitting down, with passing the collection plate, with a nice message for 40 min.... this entire format that we call Church never occurs in the Bible at all.
What is the other way, what is the alternative to Church? If we are not being called to Church then what are we being called to?
Consider this...“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28. And also “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near” To repent means to change your mind, to leave one way and go to another. So now it starts to become clearer, we are not being called to a building on Sunday, we are being called to Christ Himself, we are being called to turn from our life and submit to His life, this is what it truly means to be a “Called out one” But, as I pointed out earlier we are told to assemble together, so, how should these assemblies look?
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20. The assembling of the called out ones is nothing more than this verse states, two or three brothers and sisters coming together in Christ. We pray for each other, we study the Bible, we encourage each other, we worship God together. We don't need a pretty little building to do this, we don't need pews, we don't need a pulpit. All we need is a living room, a kitchen table to share a meal with friends, an extra chair to offer a neighbor. This way the Holy Spirit is free, completely free to do what He needs to. No time limits (20 min of worship time) no restrictions (35 min sermon) He sets the times and situations. Before you call me crazy, before you dismiss what I'm saying, look it up yourself, what we call Church doesn't exist in the Bible. The next time you read in the Bible try replacing the word “Church” with “Those who have been called to Christ.” Check out the examples below.
Acts 12:5 “So Peter was kept in prison, but those called to Christ where earnestly praying to God for him.”
Romans 16:4 “They risked their lives for me. Not only I but all of the Gentiles who have been called to Christ are grateful to them.”
1 Corth 5:12 “What business is it of mine to judge those outside of those called to Christ? Are you not to judge those inside?
You see how simply describing the meaning of the word instead of using the word itself changes the religiousness of these passages? It takes the emphasis off of the building or system and puts it on us, where it should be. The most poisonous phrase I can think of is “Lets go to Church” Because if you go to Church, then Church is a place for you and if it's a place for you, you've lost its true meaning. If you think this is an important subject that needs more thought and discussion, please forward this to your friends and family.
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