Monday, July 19, 2010

Popular culture and the Church

This is a subject that God has placed on my heart for years now. I've wanted to make a video using video clips, photos and text but just never got around to it. Finely I had the time and will to do it. I had so many years of ideas built up in my head that I could have made an hour long video. But after asking the advice of my wife, she told me to try to think of what you want the video to say and then select the videos, photos and text that would make the biggest impact in the shortest amount of time. So I think I've come up with something very impact-full that has a powerful message for the Church, but it not overly long. Some of the content is quite graphic but I really believe that it was necessary to make the point. I don't want anyone to take away from this video that we, the Church, need to be living in the past and only singing old hymns. I believe in singing a "New Song" I just believe that we can be modern and relevant without selling out to the evils of our culture. All statistics shown in the video come from the Barna research group. And the music is from the Passion Of The Christ

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