Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Reality Check

This is a new video I just finished. This video has the same basic theme as the first video I made but I've approached it in a different way. It's more focused at getting young people to think about what they are doing and who they are imitating instead of just following the crowd. The media glorifies the rap and hip-hop culture. They make it look as if everyone from that culture drives a fancy car with music booming out of it and that they are all dressed to the hilt with a woman on each arm. My goal in this video was to contrast the media image with the truth of what the Ghetto is really about. Drugs, violence, poverty and slums. Nothing like what people are imitating from the TV.

Sometimes it might seem that I am only picking on the rap and hip-hop culture. The truth is, this message can apply to any number of cultures that are birthed out of hate. Whether it's death metal, goth metal, black metal...what ever you want to call it, if it is birthed out of a culture of hate than it has no place in the lives of Christians. I will be doing videos on other corrupt forms of entertainment soon but the prevalent virus in our society today is the rap and hip-hop culture so that has been my focus so far.

1 comment:

  1. Trying to promote the Gospel of Christ by using popular marketing technics reminds me of something Jesus said, you can`t put new wine into old wineskins! The Kingdom of heaven has absolutely nothing in common with the culture of this world, and niether should we! His ways are far above our ways, we can`t make him fit into our world. There`s a passage from a song in the 70s that I remember, " Oh people what have you done, locked Him in a golden cage, made Him bend to your religion, Him resurected from the grave". Let`s allow God to change the world by allowing him to change us, that is His plan!
